What is RBM Ministries?

Our Purpose

“Assisting Churches in Reaching Children”

RBM Ministries is a faith based ministry committed to assisting Bible believing churches in the Great Lakes Region, in reaching children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and in seeing them and their families discipled and established in those local churches.

Our Programs

RBM uses primarily two programs: Released Time Bible Class and Vacation Bible School.

Released Time Bible Class

This is an open door in many school districts across the Great Lakes Region. By law, boys and girls are released from school during class time (with parental permission) to go to a nearby church or facility for religious instruction.

Our workers hold these classes once a month, in most cases, and in some counties they are reaching children in every school system.

Vacation Bible School

The RBM Ministries VBS program is unique in its field. Each RBM missionary arrives with a complete supply of lesson materials and visual aids—everything needed for the school! These materials are produced by our own production department at our Kalamazoo headquarters. Children come for a week of solid Bible teaching and training in Christian living.

We enjoy a yearly attendance of over 75,000 children through these two ministries!

The History and Outreach of RBM Ministries


RBM Ministries—formerly Rural Bible Mission—began in the heart of a Michigan pastor in the early thirties. B. F. Hitchcock caught the vision in a one-room country school north of Battle Creek. There he saw a mission field of boys and girls untouched by any church or Sunday School.

RBM Ministries is widely recognized by Bible-believing churches and individuals as an outstanding Christian ministry.


In these days of uncertainty, our missionary staff is called upon to give their best effort in reaching youth with God’s Word—while there is time. These men and women are certain of their missionary call and they persevere in spite of conflict. Above all, there is a divine compassion for that one boy—that one girl—who must be told about Jesus Christ.

Financial Policy

RBM Ministries is not financially endowed by any denomination or community fundraising groups. The ministry depends entirely upon the gifts of churches and individuals. Such tax-deductible contributions are promptly receipted and acknowledged. You can give on-line here.

For more information call 1-800-743-2098.

©2023 RBM Ministries | rbmministries.org | 1-800-743-2098